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How to Put Accented or
other Special
in Documents or E-mails

Method Peculiar to MS Word

MS Word (newer versions) uses an intuitive approach giving it advantages similar to IE.: 

  1. Press CTRL and tap one of the punctuation keys ` ' , ~ : ^ that most closely resembles the accent needed. 

  2. Either keep the Ctl key down or release it, it doesn't matter.

  3. Press the letter to be modified and the accented character will appear. 

  4. Thus Ctrl+: with u gives ü and Ctrl+, with C gives Ç.

For example (from MS Word help/index/characters/inserting/type international): 

à, è, ì, ò, ù - À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù

 CTRL+` (ACCENT GRAVE), the letter  or the LETTER

á, é, í, ó, ú, ? - Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, ?  

 CTRL+' (APOSTROPHE), the letter

â, ê, î, ô, û Â, Ê, Î, Ô, Û   

CTRL+^ (CARET), the letter

ã, ñ, õ Ã, Ñ, Õ      

CTRL+~ (TILDE), the letter

ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ Ä, Ë, Ï, Ö, Ü, Ÿ  

CTRL+: (COLON), the letter

å, Å           

CTRL+@, a or A

æ, Æ         

CTRL+&, a or A

œ, Œ         

 CTRL+&, o or O     

ç, Ç           

CTRL+, (COMMA), c or C

?, ?    


ø, Ø

 CTRL+/, o or O






CTRL+&, s

Many non-English characters, as well as icons for food, holidays, activities, signs, math, and much more, is found in the Insert Menu, choosing "Symbol." Within the Symbol Window, the font  Lucida Sans Unicode also provides characters in numerous languages. These seem to work only within MS Word.  

For Use in All Other Programs (and Word)

Depress the ALT key and hold it down while you type in the four-digit number listed below.  To type the numbers, you must use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, not the number keys on the top row and the Num Lock Key must be on.






à - 0224

á - 0224

ã - 0227

à - 0224

ä - 0228 

â - 0226 

é - 0233 

à - 0195

è - 023 

å - 0229 

ç - 0231 

í - 0237

ç - 0231 

ì - 0236

æ - 0230 

é - 0233   

ñ - 0241

Ç - 0199

ò - 0242 

ð - 0240 

è - 0232 

ó - 0243 

ò - 0242 

ù - 0249 

ë - 0235

ê - 0234

ú - 0250 

Ò - 0210

À - 0192 

ö - 0246 

ë - 0235  

ü - 0252

ó - 0243 

È - 0200 

ø - 0248 

î - 0238

Á - 0193 

Ó - 0211 

Ì - 0204 

ß - 0223 

ï - 0239 

É - 0201

õ - 0245

Ò - 0210 

þ - 0254 

œ ligature - 0156 

Í - 0205 

Õ - 0212

Ù - 0217

ü - 0252 

ô - 0244 

Ñ - 0209


ÿ - 0255

ù - 0249  

Ó - 0211 


Ä - 0196 

û - 0251 

Ú - 0218


Å - 0197 

À - 0192  

Ü - 0220


Æ - 0198 

 - 0194

¿ - 0191


Ð - 0208 

Ç - 0199 

¡ - 0161 


Ë - 0203 

È - 0200


Ö - 0214 

É - 0201


Ø - 0216    

Ê - 0202 


Þ - 0222 

Ë - 0203 


Ü - 0220

Î - 0206 


Ï - 0207  


Œ ligature - 0140  


Ô - 0212


Ù - 0217 


 Û - 0219 


« - 0171 


» - 0187  

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